首页 > Ai资讯 > Ai知识库 > 十条最佳GPT提示词,让你成为任何领域大师



1️⃣ 利用帕累托原则prompt:Identify the 20% of [topic or skill] that will yield 80% of the desired results and provide a focused learning plan to master it.翻译提示:确定 20% 的[主题或技能]将产生 80% 的预期结果,并提供有针对性的学习计划来掌握它。


2️⃣ 利用可视化的力量 prompt:Guide me through a visualization exercise to help me internalize [topic or skill] and imagine myself successfully applying it in real-life situations.翻译提示:指导我进行可视化练习,帮助我内化[主题或技能],并想象自己在现实生活中成功应用它。


3️⃣ 利用费曼技巧进行更深入的理解 prompt:Explain [topic or skill] in the simplest terms possible as if teaching it to a complete beginner. Identify gaps in my understanding and suggest resources to fill them.翻译提示:用尽可能最简单的术语解释[主题或技能],就好像向一个完全的初学者传授它一样。找出我的理解中的差距并建议资源来填补这些差距。


4️⃣ 实施刻意练习例程 prompt:Design a deliberate practice routine for [topic or skill], focusing on my weaknesses and providing regular feedback for improvement.翻译提示:为[主题或技能]设计刻意练习例程,重点关注我的弱点并提供定期反馈以进行改进。


5️⃣ 通过交错优化学习 prompt:Create a study plan that mixes different topics or skills within [subject area] to help me develop a more robust understanding and facilitate connections between them.翻译提示:创建一个学习计划,混合[主题领域]内的不同主题或技能,以帮助我形成更强有力的理解并促进它们之间的联系。


6️⃣ 使用讲故事来增强记忆和理解 prompt:Transform key concepts or lessons from [topic or skill] into engaging stories or narratives to help me better remember and understand the material.翻译提示:将[主题或技能]中的关键概念或课程转化为引人入胜的故事或叙述,以帮助我更好地记住和理解材料。


7️⃣ 为复杂概念建立心理模型 prompt:Help me create mental models or analogies to better understand and remember key concepts in [topic or skill].翻译提示:帮助我创建心理模型或类比,以更好地理解和记住[主题或技能]中的关键概念。


8️⃣ 利用主动回忆的力量 prompt:Provide me with a series of challenging questions or problems related to [topic or skill] to test my understanding and improve long-term retention.翻译提示:向我提供一系列与[主题或技能]相关的具有挑战性的问题或问题,以测试我的理解力并提高长期记忆力。


9️⃣ 尝试不同的学习方式 prompt:Suggest various learning resources (e.g., videos, books, podcasts, interactive exercises) for [topic or skill] that cater to different learning styles.翻译提示:针对[主题或技能]推荐适合不同学习方式的各种学习资源(例如视频、书籍、播客、互动练习)。


��� 实施间隔重复以实现长期记忆 prompt:Design a spaced repetition schedule for me to effectively review [topic or skill] over time, ensuring better retention and recall.翻译提示:为我设计一个间隔重复计划,以便随着时间的推移有效地复习[主题或技能],确保更好的记忆和回忆。



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