首页 > Ai资讯 > Ai知识库 > 你的AI还在睡觉?33条Prompts让它瞬间变身超能力团队!




但请别担心,有我在,一切都会变好的!我这里有33条来自麦肯锡咨询专家的效率Prompts,这些宝贵经验将让你的AI工具(ChatGPT、Bing、Claude 2、Bard以及Llama 2等)秒速成长为一个超强团队!



1. 时间管理(Time Management)

Prompt: "Craft a detailed 12-hour workday schedule that strategically alternates high and low energy tasks, incorporates necessary breaks, and ensures a variety of tasks to maintain interest and maximize productivity."


2. 任务优先级(Task Prioritization)

Prompt: "Identify key factors for task prioritization such as deadlines, task duration, and strategic importance. Develop a decision matrix for ranking tasks based on these factors, ensuring a balance of urgency and importance."


3. 最小化干扰(Minimize Distractions)

Prompt: "Develop a comprehensive plan to identify and eliminate common workplace distractions. This should include strategies for managing digital distractions, creating a conducive physical workspace, and setting boundaries for uninterrupted work."


4. 高效电子邮件管理(Efficient Email Management)

Prompt: "Design an efficient system for managing emails that includes categorizing incoming emails based on action required, setting specific times for responding to emails, and archiving completed conversations to maintain an organized inbox."


5. 最佳工作空间(Optimal Workspace)

Prompt: "Provide a detailed guide for setting up a workspace that enhances focus, minimizes distractions, and boosts efficiency. Consider aspects like lighting, noise levels, ergonomics, and necessary tools or resources."


6. 委派技巧(Delegation Techniques)

Prompt: "Outline effective strategies for delegating tasks that ensure quality and timely completion. This should include clear communication of expectations, progress tracking, and feedback mechanisms."


7. 休息优化(Break Optimization)

Prompt: "Design a work break routine that rejuvenates energy, reduces burnout, and enhances productivity. This could include strategies like the Pomodoro technique, incorporating physical activity, and mindful practices."


8. 设定目标(Goal Setting)

Prompt: "Provide a detailed template for setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals for weekly, monthly, and yearly tasks. Include guidelines for regular review and adjustment of these goals."


9. 任务批处理(Task Batching)

Prompt: "Create a system for batching similar tasks together for efficient processing throughout the workday. This should consider the nature of tasks, their energy demands, and how they can be grouped for maximum efficiency."


10. 高效会议(Efficient Meetings)

Prompt: "Formulate detailed guidelines for conducting efficient meetings that stay on track and yield actionable outcomes. This should include setting clear agendas, time management strategies, and follow-up practices."


11. 技术和工具掌握(Tech & Tool Mastery)

Prompt: "Develop a comprehensive training plan for mastering productivity tools and software relevant to the profession. This should include selection of tools, structured learning paths, and strategies for practical application."


12. 外包(Outsourcing)

Prompt: "Create a guide for identifying tasks that can be outsourced and best practices for managing and communicating with external collaborators. This should consider cost-effectiveness, quality control, and communication strategies."


13. 任务自动化(Task Automation)

Prompt: "Identify repetitive tasks and provide strategies for automating them using modern software and technologies. This should include an evaluation of tasks suitable for automation and a guide to commonly used automation tools."


14. 每日反思(Daily Reflection)

Prompt: "Design a detailed template for daily reflections to assess achievements, learn from setbacks, and plan future steps. This should promote self-awareness, learning, and continuous improvement."


15. 有效沟通(Effective Communication)

Prompt: "Provide comprehensive strategies for effective and efficient communication with team members and stakeholders. This should cover clarity of message, active listening, digital communication etiquette, and feedback mechanisms."


16. 快速阅读(Speed Reading)

Prompt: "Provide a series of exercises and techniques to improve reading speed without compromising comprehension. This should include practices for skimming, scanning, and improving vocabulary and comprehension."


17. 最佳任务顺序(Optimal Task Sequencing)

Prompt: "Devise a task sequence based on cognitive demands for optimizing cognitive load and efficiency. This should consider the complexity of tasks, peak cognitive times, and strategies for managing cognitive resources."


18. 决策疲劳减少(Decision Fatigue Reduction)

Prompt: "Outline comprehensive strategies to reduce decision fatigue throughout the day, including tips on meal planning, wardrobe choices, and structuring decisions to maintain cognitive energy."


19. 能量管理(Energy Management)

Prompt: "Provide a detailed guide on how to manage and optimize energy levels through dietary choices, sleep patterns, and exercise routines. This should include tips for healthy eating, sleep hygiene, and incorporating regular physical activity."


20. 克服拖延(Overcome Procrastination)

Prompt: "Design a step-by-step strategy to identify the roots of procrastination and techniques to overcome it. This should include self-awareness exercises, strategies for breaking tasks down, and motivational techniques."


21. 快速学习(Learn Faster)

Prompt: "Develop a comprehensive set of techniques and exercises to speed up the learning process for acquiring new skills or knowledge. This should include active learning strategies, memory techniques, and application of learning."


22. 成长思维(Growth Mindset)

Prompt: "Provide a set of daily affirmations and practices to cultivate a growth mindset and increase proactive behavior. This should include mindset shifts, practices for resilience, and strategies for embracing challenges."


23.优化协作(Optimize Collaboration)

Prompt: "Create detailed guidelines to improve collaboration with team members, including communication tools and best practices. This should cover team building activities, conflict resolution, and leveraging diverse strengths."


24.有效反馈(Effective Feedback)

Prompt: "Design a detailed template for giving and receiving feedback in a way that's constructive, clear, and actionable. This should include strategies for constructive criticism, active listening, and creating action plans."


25.持续改进(Continuous Improvement)

Prompt: "Develop a system for regularly assessing and tweaking personal productivity strategies, ensuring continuous growth and adaptation. This should include regular check-ins, feedback mechanisms, and strategies for adapting to change."


26. 领导力发展(Leadership Development)

Prompt: "Develop a comprehensive guide that outlines strategies and techniques to enhance leadership skills and team management capabilities. This should include aspects such as conflict resolution, decision-making, and motivational strategies."


27. 情绪智力(Emotional Intelligence)

Prompt: "Design a program that provides methods and techniques to improve emotional intelligence. This should focus on self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills."


28. 冲突解决(Conflict Resolution)

Prompt: "Formulate a step-by-step strategy that effectively resolves and manages conflicts in the workplace. This should include aspects such as active listening, empathy, negotiation skills, and problem-solving."


29. 创新思维(Innovative Thinking)

Prompt: "Provide a guide that fosters innovative thinking, promoting creativity, risk-taking, and problem-solving to drive new ideas and solutions."


30. 职业发展规划(Career Development Planning)

Prompt: "Create a template and guide to assist employees in planning their career development path and goals. This should include aspects such as skills development, networking strategies, and goal-setting."


31. 多元化和包容性(Diversity and Inclusion)

Prompt: "Outline strategies and guidelines to create and maintain a diverse and inclusive work environment. This should focus on recruitment practices, team collaboration, and workplace policies."


32. 健康和福利(Health and Well-being)

Prompt: "Develop a guide to help employees manage their health and well-being, including strategies to cope with work stress, maintain work-life balance, and promote physical health."


33. 持续学习(Continuous Learning)

Prompt: "Provide a set of strategies and resources to encourage and support continuous learning and professional development. This should include aspects such as online learning platforms, peer learning, and skills development."





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